Our Team

Rashvaan: Owner of Akiri  & passionated Freediver. Born & raised in Dhigurah. Speaks Dhivehi & English. 
Maren: Social Media Manager & Content Creator. Dronequeen & Freediver based in Germany. Speaks German & English.
Malaka: Booking & Backoffice Manager from Dhigurah. Takes care of the guests
Speaks Dhivehi & English.
Gayan: Lovely roomy from Sri Lanka, enchants the guests with his delighting towel art. Speaks Sinhala & English.

We are happy to hear from you!

Whether you have questions, feedback or need assistance, our team is here to help. Feel free to ask for prices or direct booking! Reach out to us via E-mail, WhatsApp, Instagram or fill in the contact form below.